- መሠረት ዓሌት ሕዝቢ መረብ ምላሽ
- Tesfamichael-Gergio ቃኘው
- ታሪኽ ወለዶታትን ፣ ባህልን ፣ ስርዓት ዓደቦን (ጽቡቕ ዘይተቐድሐ)
- The role of music in worship
- The Role of Music in the Eritrean Struggle
- ኣዕናዊ ምንቅስቃስ 1973 ከም መንካዕ ዝፍለጥ
- Album – Eritrea in pictures
- Catalog of names and addresses
- Compliment and media coverage
- Eritrea i den norske presse
- Eritrea in the world press
- Eritrea Krig og Tørke
- War and drought in Eritrea
- My first publication in Norway
- Press reports on the 6th offensive
- Republication of Zanta 44 tigrinja book
- Summary of reprinted publications
- Varaity of small publications
- War and Draught english / norsk
- Books Memhir Asres Tesema Dehay Bahli
- Books ኤርትራውነት – ዉጽኢት ወራራትን መኸተን
- Books ካብ ኤርትራ ክሳብ ኢትዮፕያ – ዛንታን ወለዶን
- Higen SerAten nai Mieret AdiAbo
- Italian Tigre dictionary
- The tribes of Mensa in Italian and Tigre languages
- ልጅነት ተመልሶ ኣይመጣም
- ሓፈሻዊ ፖለቲካዊ ትምህርቲ ንተጋደልቲ
- ቀዳሞት ጀጋኑ ኤርትራን ባህልናን
- ታርኽ ደጊያት ሃይሉ ተዎልደመድህን
- ንሕናን ዕላማናን
- ካብ ጉዕዞታት ታሪኽ ኤርትራ
- የኣንድ ቋንቃ እድገት
- List/title of publications
- Eritrea: background to revolution
- The emergence of political parties in Eritrea
- The fate of Italia’s colonies
- Short history of Eritrea
- Italian Expansion in NE Africa
- Tigrinja grammer (in Tigrinja)
- Science for 3rd grade (in Tigrinja)
- The first to be freed
- Laws of adkeme_miligae
- Tigrinja language grammer
- Races and tribes of Eritrea
- Land tenure on the Eritrean plateau
- Traditional songs Awlo and Masse
- Quiz games in tigrinja 1
- Quiz games in tigrinja 2
- New geez alphabets
- Tigrinja old proverbs
- A book on health care for the 3rd grade
- Eritrea and her neighbours
- The Eritrean revolution …
- The book of 44 stories
- Eritrea a 1950 hand book
- Eritrea – Geographical terminology (in Tigrinja)
- Eritrea – History of its struggle upto 1941
- Eritrea – List of all villages
- A book report-Eritrea the land and the people by Christopher Brodersen
- Customary Law of the Beni-Amer
Photo Gallery
Eritrea: Revolution, Culture & Nature
- Album – Eritrea in pictures
- Catalog of names and addresses
- Compliment and media coverage
- Eritrea i den norske presse
- Eritrea in the world press
- Eritrea Krig og Tørke
- War and drought in Eritrea
- My first publication in Norway
- Press reports on the 6th offensive
- Republication of Zanta 44 tigrinja book
- Summary of reprinted publications
- Varaity of small publications
- War and Draught english / norsk
- Older publications in my possession
- Books Memhir Asres Tesema Dehay Bahli
- Books ኤርትራውነት – ዉጽኢት ወራራትን መኸተን
- Books ካብ ኤርትራ ክሳብ ኢትዮፕያ – ዛንታን ወለዶን
- Higen SerAten nai Mieret AdiAbo
- Italian Tigre dictionary
- The tribes of Mensa in Italian and Tigre languages
- ልጅነት ተመልሶ ኣይመጣም
- ሓፈሻዊ ፖለቲካዊ ትምህርቲ ንተጋደልቲ
- ቀዳሞት ጀጋኑ ኤርትራን ባህልናን
- ታርኽ ደጊያት ሃይሉ ተዎልደመድህን
- ንሕናን ዕላማናን
- ካብ ጉዕዞታት ታሪኽ ኤርትራ
- የኣንድ ቋንቃ እድገት
- The spiritual side of life
- Photos from Mombachtal
- Helena’s Confirmation
- Mezenghi family article
- Church journal interview
- Introducing Memhir Melles
Correspondences – Fax from field
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Faxes From
Correspondences – Fax to field
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