Ministry of Foreign Affairs                                                               Att.  Information Department Head

Ministry of Overseas Development Aid                                                      "                 "                  "     

Norwegian Church Aid                                                                              "                 "                  "     

 The enclosed article , which is a reply  to Mr.Olafsson`s article of February 13, is sent to Aftenposten for printing.  After discussing Mr.Olafsson`s series of articles and interviews (Aftenposten 26/ll/84, l3/2/85, and Stavanger Aftenbladet 21/1/85 ) with former missionaries, as well as Ethiopians and Eritreans residing in Norway, it was suggested that a copy of this reply be sent to the Foreign Ministry, Ministry of Development Aid and the Norwegian Church Aid for information and action. 

Our main concern is whatsoever Mr. Olafsson`s view or belief is, he has trespassed his postion as a diplomat and representative of the Norwegian Church Aid by giving one sided remarks and clearly taking side in a complex political dispute.  We are taking this case very seriously since we believe it is increiminating and misinforming. 

The author of the article is a former political refugee from Eritrea, now a Norwegian citizen.  In this connection it is important for me to mention that Aftenposten reaches Addis Ababa, at least to Mr. Olafsson.  And Mr.Olafsson`s motive, or influence or may be commitment to the regime in Ethiopia, is unknown to us at this point of time.  So to avoid any potential danger I have decided to avoid using my name as the author of the article.  However , the name given is that of my 4-year old child, abreviating the family name, so that if or when it reaches Ethiopia  the authorities will be unable to make a reprisal on my family members living there. 

I am confident that your respective offices will keep my name stricktely confidential.  I hope you understand the problems created by the lack of freedom of expression even being non-Ethiopian or living away from that country.  I am nevertheless available for any discussion regarding this grave matter.

                                                                                          Best regards,

                                                                                           Emnetu Tesfay

                                                                                          Digranesv. l5,      4000 Stavanger