The Editor, Aftenbladet
Akersgt.55, Oslo 1
Report On Ethiopia / Eritrea

[Print version]



I find it disturbing that a newspaper of Aftenposten standard can allow one of its journalists to write in succession reports very much distanced from reality.

I am referring to Caterine Lonchester's articles of 23/5, 26/5, and 3/6. It seems Lonchester is more interested in unrepresentative opinions rather than facts. For the general public Lonchester's information may be easy to digest but for those of us who follow events in that part of the world very closely her information is absolutely ridiculous.

 I would not like to spend my time to reply to all the erroneous points of Lonchester since they are too many. As one of the few journalists from Europe who had the rare opportunity to visit the Eritrean field in 1977 Catherine Lonchester had first hand information and all her reports on return to Norway was factual and positive. But her recent articles reverse all the impressions and facts she had at that time. Why the change at this time of point is incomprehensible.

To conclude I would only hope that Aftenposten will keep its standard and restrict yellow journalism from appearing in its columns.


Emnetu Tesfay
Ulakroken 12

4028 Stavanger